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If standing out prominently in the lucrative market of shiny applications is your target, Ugox Info Tech will give you the perfect assistance to launch the right app, with desired functionality and support.
Backbone, like in the name itself Backbone.js operates as a backbone for applications while allowing developers to build sophisticated and structured web apps. According to backbonejs.org, “Philosophically, Backbone is an attempt to discover the minimal set of data-structuring (models and collections) and user interface (views and URLs) primitives that are generally useful when building web applications with JavaScript”.
It is a lightweight JavaScript framework based on Model-View-Presenter (MVP) design.It is used to develop rich, interactive applications, simplifying the development process by dividing the tasks into modules. This framework helps in assuring reliable solutions as it reorganizes the JavaScript coding into views and models which shortens the task of developing applications, and at the same time it helps them develop faster.
Other than all the above specialties, Backbone.js also handles adding, editing and removing tasks in a much simple and easy manner as possible. With no strict guidelines, while offering a flexible structure, it brings every section of the application to live.
Event Driven Communication
Backbone.js makes creating shiny single page web applications and complicated user interfaces with various frameworks easy. It eases the whole process by providing an event-driven communication between views and models. The backbone.js events build on top of regular DOM events, which make the mechanism very versatile and extensible.
Easily Synced with the back-end
Backbone.js does not care what back-end language or front-end template system you are using. And due to this flexibility, the models in Backbone.js can be easily tied to a back-end. It provides excellent support for RESTful APIs as well as other backend systems.
Convenient utility library
Backbone is an incredibly small library for the amount of functionality and structure it gives you.
Easy API Integration.
Event binding
Avoid storing data in DOM
Restful Services
Easy Customization
Grid Re-Renders Automatically Upon Data Changes
Ugox Info Tech has developed a lot of applications with Backbone.js and has successfully integrated it.
Our office in India has the best Backbone.js developers who ensure that the client receives highest quality and cost effective application.
The backbone.js developers in Ugox Info Tech are always a call away to help you in any critical situations
Application Development using Backbone.js
Backbone.js consulting services
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